
Your Ultimate Family Planner and Organizer

Free up more time to spend on what matters - your family.

Get help in running everything smoothly at home


Family-safe In-app Chat

Allows everyone in the family to have their voice, even for the kids without their own phones.


Personalized Notifications

Alert the right person at the right time with information to get things done, like who should pick up Ray junior from school this week, or what groceries to get on the way home from work.


Shared Calendar

Sync events, appointments and tasks across all devices to let the whole family know what's up and coming, so that no one gets left behind.


Shared Family Calendar

Never forget another important milestone, appointment or task
for the most important people in your life, regardless of how busy
you may be.
Color code to your heart's content.


Your personalized
family command center.

Plan everything at your finger tips,
so everyone in the family knows exactly what to do
without you having to be the naggy parent for once.


Increase family productivity

So that everyone can have a stress-free time
together having fun and bonding.


Simple and beautiful design

Turns the chore of planning into
something satisfying and enjoyable.


Artifical intelligence assistant

Who says A.I. was only for work
and business?

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